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Resetting Tech Culture: 5 strategies to keep women in tech
The report highlights the concerning trend of women falling further behind men in technology roles, despite the growing importance of these roles for the U.S. economy. It identifies an inclusive culture as the key to reversing this trend, enabling women to advance and thrive in technology fields.
The survey findings reveal stark differences in the experiences of women in less-inclusive versus more-inclusive environments, with inclusive workplaces showing higher rates of advancement and job satisfaction for women, particularly women of color and those identifying as Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender. There's also a significant perception gap between HR leaders and employees regarding the inclusivity of their organizations. The report suggests that a cultural reset could dramatically reduce the attrition rate of women in tech roles, potentially leading to a significant increase in the number of women working in tech by 2030. Action items are provided for colleges and companies to foster inclusive cultures and drive positive change.