Explore Resources and Materials on Gender Equality in STI

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Women Engineers Empowerment through Linked Experiences

In August 2019, the national initiative Women in Engineering and Sciences (MIC) was launched with the objective of raising awareness and monitoring gender equity, equal opportunities, and women empowerment. This study led by them, presents the work of the linking committee towards the empowerment of women engineers through linked experiences.

The methodology of this work includes: 1) integrating a multi-campus team to work in the engagement and linking committee, 2) identifying internal efforts towards the empowerment of women, as well as external efforts in companies, organizations and other universities through research and interviews, and mapping the networking ecosystem 3) analyse the information to identify key partners for collaborative projects, and 4) create a community by implementing Lean In circles (leanin.org) and replicate the project at other campuses. 

Publishing date
Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico