Gender dimension in research and innovation content
DEI in R&I Leadership
This prototype explores what kind of capabilities, drivers and barriers, research and innovation leaders or managers have and should have for enhancing the integration of gender into R&D&I content.
Gender argument bank for R&I
Create a gender argument bank to provide concrete evidence and good examples to show how STI institutions can invest in more gender-sensitive and gender-specific research.
Gender experts -network Institutional interlocutors to bridge understandings of different entities and institutions
This prototype aims to build a network of experts to interact as institutional interlocutors to bridge the understandings of different entities and institutions and provide expertise or practical support for the (national) research community.
Gender STI declaration
The prototype aims to develop a declaration that commits the undertaking institution to include a Gender Policy in their actions promoting, funding, or conducting science, technology, and innovation activities.
The Argument Bank
Paper on tackling common misconceptions regarding the implementation of an inclusive approach to research and innovation (R&I) content.
Training manual on ‘Inclusiveness in Research: a manual for research personnel and RTOs’
This manual aims to guide those working in the STI on how to implement gender and inclusiveness dimensions into R&I content. It provides academic knowledge, tools, and practical examples of how to address the lack of inclusiveness that can impact work in different STI fields.